• Brussels, Berlin, Europe

From August 1, 2024, the Foundation Metaverse Europe will have a liaison office to the EU in Brussels in the MeetDistrict.

We are looking forward to a fantastic working atmosphere in the heart of the city, close to the Madou metro station. The MeetDistrikt is the perfect location for our upcoming events. As you can see in the picture, we were able to demonstrate this back in February in cooperation with Deutsche Telekom. Our keynote speaker was MEP Axel Voss, who was re-elected in June and continues to serve as coordinator of the European People’s Party’s Legal Affairs Committee and has put the topic of “regulating virtual worlds” on the agenda for his next term of office.

Our direct channel to Brussels!

  1. proximity to the EU institutions:
    Brussels is the political center of Europe and home to important EU institutions such as the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. An office in Brussels offers direct access to these institutions, which is of great importance for lobbying and political influence.
  2. Regulatory influence: The EU is one of the world’s leading regulators, particularly in relation to digital technologies, data protection (e.g. GDPR) and other areas relevant to the Metaverse. An office in Brussels enables us to influence upcoming regulations at an early stage and ensure that our interests are represented.
  3. Networking and partnerships: Brussels is a central hub for networks and partnerships in Europe. Numerous non-governmental organizations, think tanks, interest groups and companies active in the digital sector are based here. A liaison office facilitates cooperation and exchange with these players.

With the liaison office in Brussels, we will be able to effectively pursue our strategic goals in the heart of Europe, proactively tackle regulatory challenges and strengthen our position within the European digital ecosystem.

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