• Brussels, Berlin, Europe

Event review: An inspiring step towards the AIM ETHIX Award

On 26 November 2025, we held our third pre-event for the AIM ETHICS Award in Brussels – a decisive step on our way to realising our award. Insight into the event Dr Reinhard Schultze from the Metaverse Europe Foundation opened the event with a fascinating introduction to the history of the AIM ETHIX Award. He impressively explained the inspiration and […]

Review of the education metaverse kick-off on 30.10.24

The Launch of the Educational Metaverse On 30 October 2024, the new educational metaverse initiative of the Metaverse Europe Foundation was launched at the gameslab of Humboldt University in Berlin. The initiative aims to sustainably integrate immersive technologies and artificial intelligence in the education sector in order to create personalised and inclusive learning spaces and thus promote equal digital opportunities. […]

Launch of the “European Metaverse Ethics Award”: Strengthening Europe’s values in the digital age

We at the Metaverse Europe Foundation firmly believe that we can preserve and promote the values of our European community in a digital context, especially in the metaverse and through artificial intelligence. On September 25, 2024, we launched our new initiative, the “European Metaverse Ethics Award”. The award ceremony and gala are planned for the end of 2025. After Maren […]

From August 1, 2024, the Foundation Metaverse Europe will have a liaison office to the EU in Brussels in the MeetDistrict.

We are looking forward to a fantastic working atmosphere in the heart of the city, close to the Madou metro station. The MeetDistrikt is the perfect location for our upcoming events. As you can see in the picture, we were able to demonstrate this back in February in cooperation with Deutsche Telekom. Our keynote speaker was MEP Axel Voss, who […]

Review of our event: Acting with entrepreneurial confidence and strengthening Europe’s sovereignty: Recognising, forecasting, implementing.

On 29 May, together with the Metaverse Europe Foundation, we hosted a ground-breaking event at the CUPRA City Garage Berlin, highlighting the urgent need to act on security while keeping European sovereignty in mind. The evening began with a welcome from Christian Rücker, CEO of ARDOR SE, and Moritz Baumann, Manager of the CUPRA City Garage Berlin. Maren Courage, Director […]

Kick-off Wertekompass “Metaverse-Bildung”

On 17 April 2024, we met as part of the Foundation Metaverse Europe at (and with) Deutsche Telekom in Berlin for the kick-off “Value Compass Metaverse Education”. The expert group met for four intensive hours. After we had defined the status quo, we had a stimulating discussion that ultimately led to the definition of a clear goal and the development […]

Policy Corner

It has been a busy start to 2024 for metaverse policy enthusiasts. In the European Parliament, MEPs approved reports from two Committees. The first report, by the Internal Market & Consumer Protection Committee, focused on interoperability, connectivity infrastructure, and accessibility and introduced the notion of “avatar rights.” The second report, by the Legal Affairs Committee, focused on international, civil, and […]

Review of our online symposium “Creating value on the way to the metaverse” in Paris

On Friday 24 January, the second symposium of the Metaverse Europe Foundation in collaboration with France Immersive Learning took place in Paris at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers. After a brief introduction by Oliver Autumn and Vanessa Pénélope, the discussion began with a focus on some current ethical issues. The workshop participants agreed to place the tension between […]

Review of the 2nd symposium on “Creating value on the way to the metaverse” in Potsdam

On Tuesday 23 January 2024, the 2nd symposium on “Creating value on the way to the metaverse” took place in Potsdam (hybrid). In this think tank series, the Metaverse Europe Foundation, in cooperation with Mittelstand-Digital from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, is asking how digital #ethics can be lived hand in hand with ethical values in […]

How do you assess ethical issues in connection with connectivity, cloud computing and sustainability?

Short interview with Daniela Theisinger, Managing Director Deutsche Telekom, Global Business Solutions Belgium NV/SA on the question: 👉 How do you assess ethical issues in connection with connectivity, cloud computing and sustainability? In order to bring the relevant ethical issues that interest us as a foundation to a wider audience, we have captured valuable views from experts we work with […]

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