• Brussels, Berlin, Europe

Kick-off Wertekompass “Metaverse-Bildung”

On 17 April 2024, we met as part of the Foundation Metaverse Europe at (and with) Deutsche Telekom in Berlin for the kick-off “Value Compass Metaverse Education”.

The expert group met for four intensive hours. After we had defined the status quo, we had a stimulating discussion that ultimately led to the definition of a clear goal and the development of a solution approach.
Maike Scholz provided a valuable introduction to the topic of “Ethics in connection with new technologies in the Metaverse” and provided exciting impetus.

Thanks to all participants for this first workflow, especially to Ulrich Staiger from the Group Programme for Digital Education and Schools at Deutsche Telekom for the excellent organisation and the joint preparation of the content framework.

Further information on the “Education Metaverse” initiative of the Metaverse Europe Foundation can be found here

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