Review first foundation meeting 2023
If we continue to discuss so well in top-class expert circles, we have a good feeling for a responsible society in the age of exponential technology growth.
Cue metaverse, the tip of the iceberg in which so many of the highly exciting Technologies like XR, AI, 5/6G Blockchain will play along is not an issue we can push into the future. This was also the opinion of our keynote speaker at yesterday’s Foundation Meeting Hansjörg Durz, Member of the Bundestag and, Member of the Bundestag and on the Digital Committee.
Afterwards, our talk dealt with how we can best prepare ourselves in our educational and working lives, which questions we as a foundation need to delve into, what Immanuel Kant would think of the metaverse, and how we can manage to point out dangers and risks early on, on the one hand, and provide enough space for development, creativity, and innovation in the metaverse, on the other. Because, broken down into its many individual parts, it is highly complex. In Germany in particular, we can (still) score points with a strong industry, while we have long since lost the race in terms of platforms and ecosystems, especially with a view to China and the USA.
Therefore, it is our task to proceed smartly here and to start with our strengths, especially the science is asked here to quickly predict the metaverse as good as possible in deep dive mode. This year, we are taking a concrete approach to this with our Board of Experts.
With regard to education, the road will be a difficult one; we would have to completely turn the education system around quickly and efficiently. Ideas, how? You’re welcome to it. We are not giving up on finding new ways here either, starting with the universities.
What we all agreed on was that we need to start developing awareness of issues such as European values, legally secure spaces, protection of ownership of data and identities, and so on. Everything starts with a mindset, an attitude. And then comes the strategic approach. We are optimistic and look forward to further discussions.